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Students visiting from L’Aquila  September 28, 2009

Pittsburgh Filmmakers welcomes four new students this semester from overseas — Mr. Juri Fantigrossi (22), Mr. Michele Giacardi (age 22), Mr. Antonio Paolucci (turning 22 next month), and Ms. Flavia Tiberi (age 23). All are from L’Accademia dell’ Immagine in L’Aquila, Italy. Their school was severely damaged in the recent earthquake that affected the Abruzzo region and is now being rebuilt.
Pittsburgh Filmmakers was able to discount their tuition for the semester. The students’ tuition and lodging are being covered by UPMC, which originated this arrangement as art of its strong and ongoing relationship with Italy. Some scholarship support has also come from the University of Pittsburgh’s Office of the Provost to make this project feasible. Additional funds are being raised by local Italians and Italian-Americans to cover board, supplies, travel, and other aspects of the students’ routine expenses.
The students have a tentative agreement with RAI, the Italian television network, to broadcast work they will be making here. As of this writing, they are expecting to meet with RAI’s Piero Di Pasquale, in town for the G20, for more details and guidance. Each student is enrolled in four classes this fall at Pittsburgh Filmmakers, plus one at UPitt. We hope to provide updates on their projects and progress during their academic visit.